
> A large part of that is because the placeholders are positional rather
> > than named, so you have to keep track of which is which; but by the time
> > you've got named placeholders, you might as well have variable
> > interpolation.
> I feel the same way. PHPStorm has a feature that highlights the given
> expression when your cursor is placed on a %s placeholder and vice
> versa. This seems to be the treatment of that symptom.

Has "add named placeholders to *printf()" been proposed/discussed before (I
didn't find)?

What about strtr() (e.g. `strtr('The {foo} is {bar}.', ['{foo}' => FOO,
'{bar}' => bar()])`)? (and even templating engines like Twig?)

Anyway, it sometimes baffles me indeed that I can build a string with a
method call like `"...{$foo->bar()}..."` but not with a function call like
`"...{foo($bar)}..."`, and also with complex interpolation via callable
variable like `"...{$foo($bar + baz($qux))}..."` but not with simple
constant like `"...{FOO}..."` or operation like `"...{$foo + 1}..."` :/


Guilliam Xavier

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