On Wed, Mar 30, 2022, at 9:11 AM, Claude Pache wrote:
>> Le 29 mars 2022 à 21:44, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> If $foo is not defined, statements such as $foo += 1 and $foo .= 'blah' 
>> raise "undefined variable" Warnings in PHP 8, and will throw Errors in PHP 
>> 9. However, the very similar looking $foo[] = 1 succeeds silently.
>> This seems odd to me, as "append to string" and "append to array" seem like 
>> very similar operations, with most of the same use cases and possible bugs.
> Hi,
> There are various subcases to consider:
> (1) $x[] = 42; and $x['y'] = 42; where $x is undefined
> (2) $x[] = 42; and  $x['y'] = 42; where $x is null
> (3) $x['y'][] = 42;  and  $x['y']['w'] = 42; where $x is an array, and 
> $x['y'] is undefined.
> Of course, I agree that (1) should be an error.
> The case (3) is similar to (1), but I think it is more controversial to 
> change. I bet that they are various places in my code that take 
> advantage of that feature, although personally I don’t mind to write 
> $x['y'] ??= [ ]; when needed.

We should probably also consider if there are other places where we're 
comfortable with ??= working correctly.  I'm not sure off hand if it should be 
acceptable in 1 or 2, but it's a question we should think through and document 
decisions on.

--Larry Garfield

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