On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 at 18:02, Craig Francis <cr...@craigfrancis.co.uk>
> I'm just trying to focus on how PHP has worked

You keep repeating this mantra, but user-defined functions with declared
parameter types have never accepted nulls, in any mode, unless explicitly
marked with "?" or "= null". The fact that internal functions have
parameter parsing behaviour that is almost impossible to implement in
userland, and often not even consistent between functions, is a wart of
engine internals, not a design decision.

All of that, and the "consistency" in the title of your RFC, is a complete
distraction from the real questions:

1) given a null input, and a non-nullable parameter, what should the
run-time do?
2) what is the best way to help users update their code to be compatible
with that new behaviour?

> Agreed, the only thing I'd add... failing early with NULL might help
debug some problems (assuming there is a problem), but I believe static
analysis and unit tests are much better at doing this (e.g. static analysis
is able to see if a variable can be NULL, and apply those stricter checks,
as noted by George with Girgias RFC).

I think we should institute a "swear jar" - whenever someone says "static
analysis could do this better", they have to donate €1 to the PHP
Foundation. :P

More seriously, 1) your own RFC claims that fewer than 33% of developers
use static analysis; and 2) if PHP had a compile step with mandatory static
analysis, we would still have to decide whether passing NULL to these
functions should be rejected as an error by the static analyser.

> In contrast, failing early at runtime, on something that is not actually a
> problem, like the examples in my RFC, creates 2 problems (primarily
> upgrading; but also adding unnecessary code to explicitly cast those
> possible NULL values to the correct type, which isn't needed for the other
> scalar types).

I've been trying not to nit-pick, because I think over-all you do have a
valid point, but several of your examples do not need any extra code to
handle nulls; and those that do need maybe a handful of characters. For
instance, $search = ($_GET['q'] ?? ''); is both shorter and clearer than
$search = ($_GET['q'] ?? NULL);

> Thank you... but I will add, while `htmlspecialchars()` rejecting NULL
> would get you to look at the code again, I wouldn't say it's directly
> picking up the problem, and it relies on there being a NULL value
> in $fields for this to be noticed (if that doesen't happen, you're now in a
> position where random errors will start happening in production).

There are always going to be errors that depend on the value of input, and
unless you have god-like skill at writing tests, some of those will only
happen in production. Saying "this shouldn't happen" doesn't answer the
question of what to do when it does.

> Bit of a tangent, I'm uncomfortable that `$name` is not being HTML
> encoded, which takes us to context aware templating engines, and how you
> can identify these mistakes via the `is_literal` RFC or the
> `literal-string` type.

This isn't real code, it's an illustrative example; but if it makes you
feel more comfortable, imagine $name has some deliberate HTML markup in it,
so needs to be echo'd raw.

> That said, if you (or anyone) have any better ideas on how to address this
> problem, please let me know.

I honestly would be more interested in having some string functions return
null for null input than changing existing behaviour to accept null for
non-nullable parameters (interestingly, until PHP 8.0, htmlspecialchars()
could return null, e.g. if given an array). Unfortunately, that would be a
different kind of compatibility break, so I'm not sure it fully solves the

Rowan Tommins

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