can we at least change FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH to 8 / (1<<3)  ? that would
allow a userland implementation of file_get_contents to support LOCK_SH and

The current situation is so bad that FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH literally cannot
be used in strict_mode=1, it's pretty much completely useless since php
7.0, so I doubt it'll break anything keeping up with new releases of PHP.

On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 at 13:57, Hans Henrik Bergan <>

> This has been requested for years (since at least 2009?) but it seems no
> actual plan has been proposed
> How about this?
> since we already have the constant FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH , seems it was
> introduced in PHP5.0.0,
> 1: FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH currently collides with LOCK_SH (they're both 1),
> lets change FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH to something that doesn't collide with
> any of LOCK_SH | LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB
> for example  (1 << 3) / int(8)
> 2: change argument #2 from "bool $use_include_path = false" to "int|bool
> $flags = 0" , treating bool(false) the same as int(0) and bool(true) the
> same as FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH , and support LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB |
> (i think LOCK_EX could also be supported, but that might be controversial,
> and the use case is certainly limited, if there is one at all)
> because it's kind of silly, and at times annoying, that file_put_contents
> support LOCK_EX but file_get_contents does not support LOCK_SH

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