On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 at 19:06, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 23, 2022, at 7:27 AM, G. P. B. wrote:
> > Hello internals,
> >
> > One area the engine currently needs to take special care is dealing with
> > the typing relation between iterable, Traversable, and array.
> > The change is to canonicalize "iterable" into "array|Traversable" as this
> > then removes this special case.
> >
> > However, doing so breaks Reflection for iterable types and will now
> return
> > a ReflectionUnionType instead of a ReflectionNamed type.
> > There are a couple of options to proceed:
> >  - Accept the BC break, and expect end users to already be handling union
> > types for code running on 8.2 (least complexity)
> >  - Only provide a BC layer for (?)iterable to return a
> ReflectionNamedType
> > and have usages of iterable in a union type be exposed as
> Traversable|array
> > (OK complexity)
> >  - Full BC such that even in union types where iterabl was used
> > Traversable|array gets converted back to iterable (high complexity)
> >
> > The PR for this change is https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7309
> >
> > This PR is also blocking the implementation for DNF types, as it vastly
> > simplifies the implementation of it.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > George P. Banyard
> To make sure I understand,
> Option 1:
> * function foo(iterable $i) // $i is ReflectionUnionType of
> array,traversable
> * function foo(iterable|Beep $i) // $i is ReflectionUnionType of
> array,Traversable,Beep
> Option 2:
> * function foo(iterable $i) // $i is ReflectionNamedType of iterable
> * function foo(iterable|Beep $i) // $i is ReflectionUnionType of
> array,Traversable,Beep
> Option 3:
> * function foo(iterable $i) // $i is ReflectionNamedType of iterable
> * function foo(iterable|Beep $i) // $i is ReflectionUnionType of
> iterable,Beep
> Am I following correctly?
> If so, I'm fine with 1 or 2.  I... cannot imagine a situation where
> someone is doing iterable|Beep to begin with, so I don't really care if
> that is a slight break.
> Though... I do have some code that might get cranky with Option 1, as it
> doesn't deal with union types at all (for various reasons).  I don't think
> it currently deals with iterables either, which is possibly an
> oversight...  So, I think my preference would be 2, 1, no 3.
> --Larry Garfield
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Correct, and a better way of visualising than I did.
I do think option 2 is the most reasonable.

Best regards,

George P. Banyard

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