On 1 May 2022 03:49:11 BST, Juliette Reinders Folmer 
<php-internals_nos...@adviesenzo.nl> wrote:
>As far as I understand it, if the deprecation notice is **only** thrown for 
>the deprecated callables, the code can always be adjusted to use the 
>recommended replacement code patterns as per the RFC to make the code 
>cross-version compatible with PHP 9.0 (and prevent the deprecation notice).

My point is that returning false is not an error, so there may be code out 
there where no adjustment is actually needed, because either the old or new 
return value is fine.

As a very unlikely example that demonstrates the principle, imagine someone is 
randomly generating strings which look like callables but aren't. They use 
is_callable and look for a return value of false to confirm the generated 
string is not callable in the current environment. Since new strings are 
generated each time, they don't care how the same string will behave in a 
different version of PHP, so the deprecation notice is just a nuisance to them.

To repeat, I don't think that exact example is likely, but given the ingenuity 
of developers, I was worried there might be some other code pattern that put 
developers in that position.


Rowan Tommins

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