On 27 May 2022, at 10:11, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26/05/2022 13:20, Craig Francis wrote:
>> First, the Docblock originally said this function did not accept NULL, but 
>> at runtime it accepted/coerced NULL to an empty string. This is exactly how 
>> `htmlspecialchars()` worked pre 8.1. Where developers using static analysis 
>> tools can choose to treat NULL as an invalid value, and those tools could 
>> report nullable variables as an error (via strict type checking).
> The same events can be given a very different narrative:
> Originally, this function was not intended to accept null. The documentation 
> clearly stated the accepted types, and any static analysis tool would reject 
> any value not in that list. The author of the function chose to treat NULL as 
> an invalid value.
> Because the list of valid types wasn't enforced at run-time, it was 
> accidentally possible to pass null. Many developers who weren't using 
> additional tooling came to rely on this bug, so as a compromise, the authors 
> decided to change the documented behaviour of nulls.
> At no point did anybody look at the function and say "I can safely pass null 
> to this, as long as I remember never to use static analysis tools". They 
> accidentally passed null, and by luck got a useful result.

I'm really sorry, but I'm not sure what your point is... I was asking why 
passing NULL to `htmlspecialchars()` represents a problem, but we should just 
leave it, we're not getting anywhere.

>>> I also note that the commit message says "On PHP >= 8.1, an error is thrown 
>>> if `null` is passed to `htmlspecialchars`." which is of course not true for 
>>> native PHP, only if you make the highly dubious decision to promote 
>>> deprecations to errors.
>> While I'd put the word "error" down as a typo, the intention is for 9.0 to 
>> throw a type error.
> My point is that there is no action required on PHP 8.1. The commit message 
> should have said, "On PHP >= 9.0, an error will be thrown if `null` is passed 
> to `htmlspecialchars`."

But deprecation messages do prompt developers to make changes (action is 

For those who do "no action", when they try upgrading to 9.0, they will have a 
bit of a problem (with no easy fix).

>> And while user-defined functions are part of the conversation (for 
>> consistency reasons), I'm trying to find the benefits of breaking NULL 
>> coercion for internal functions (because, if there is an overall benefit, 
>> that Laravel Blade patch should be reverted).
> This is a complete non sequitur. It's perfectly possible for different 
> scenarios to support different decisions, and what Laravel decides that 
> particular function should accept is based on their own assessment of the 
> trade-offs. PHP is free to make an entirely different decision based on 
> entirely different trade-offs.

Sorry, but I'm not following... if there is a benefit/reason for PHP to reject 
NULL for `htmlspecialchars()`, and I'm just too stupid to see what it is, I 
would have assumed that benefit/reason would also apply to the HTML encoding 
function `e()` in Laravel.

> Meanwhile, the benefits have been explained repeatedly in this thread. You 
> may not agree that they are worth the cost, and as I've repeatedly said, I 
> have some sympathy for that. But please stop trying to take the conversation 
> back to the very beginning by implying that you've asked a question and not 
> received an answer.

Sorry, I'm just not getting it, I have read and re-read all of your emails many 
times, and I'm clearly not clever enough to understand.

Anyway, I've send a separate email about my RFC, because I cannot find a 
solution... I've tried my best, and I'm done.


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