On Thu, 9 Jun 2022 at 17:34, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> That RFC didn't fully go to completion due to concerns over the performance 
> impact

I don't believe that is an accurate summary. There were subtle issues
in the previous RFC that should have been addressed. Nikita Popov
wrote in https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/114239

> I'm generally in favor of supporting auto-capture for multi-line closures.
> There are some caveats though, which this RFC should address:
> Subtle side-effects, visible in debugging functionality, or through destructor
> effects (the fact that a variable is captured may be observable). I think it
> nothing else, the RFC should at least make clear that this behavior
> is explicitly unspecified, and a future implementation may no longer capture
> variables where any path from entry to read passes a write.

To be clear, I don't fully understand all those issues myself (and I
have just enough knowledge to know to be scared to look at that part
of the engine) but my understanding is that the concerns are not about
just performance, they are deep concerns about the behaviour.

It would produce a better discussion if the RFC document either said
how those issues are resolved, or detail how they are still
limitations on the implementation.

It also probably would have been better (imo) to create a new RFC
document. The previous RFC went to vote, even if the vote was
cancelled. Diskspace is cheap. Having different (though similar) RFCs
under the same URL makes is confusing when trying to understand what
happened to particular RFCs.


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