
On 6/16/22 09:10, Pierrick Charron wrote:
As of right now I still have some unanswered questions like how should we
handle errors on the new CurlUrl API ?
- Throw `CurlUrlException` on both the procedural and object oriented style
API (that's how current implementation works [5])
- Throw `CurlUrlException` with the oriented style API, but return for
example boolean/null on errors when user uses the procedural API ?
- Always return null/booleans using both object oriented API and
procedural API ?

Definitely not this one. I want Exceptions for an OO API. I don't particularly care about the prodecural API, as it is not likely that I would use it, given that it is more clunky.

The same question applies if we add a new object oriented style API on
existing classes. Current functions MUST stay unchanged but should we throw
`CurlException` when the user uses the object oriented style API ? (That's
what I would do) Or should we return the same result from OO and procedural
API ? Should we make the new CurlApi consistent with that ?

Same here: Exceptions for OO, please.

What are your thoughts about all this ? Any feedback on any of those
subjects are more than welcome.

Something else you didn't mention: Would it be possible to make the `int $part` parameter an enum?

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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