2022年6月19日(日) 16:25 Marc <marc@mabe.berlin>:

> Hi Go Kudo,
> About "pickArrayKey" I don't like the behavior change on number of array
> keys to return either a single key or an array of keys.
> It would be better to have different methods for both cases.
> Also it does not describe the behavior if you are requesting more elements
> as in the given array.
> Will the returned list of keys be unique?
> Additionally in array_rand documentation:
> > If multiple keys are returned, they will be returned in the order they
> were present in the original array.
> Does that make sense? And would your method behave the same?
> Am 17.06.2022 21:41 schrieb Go Kudo <g-k...@colopl.co.jp>:
> Hi internals.
> An RFC has been created to fix an issue in Random Extension 5.x.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/random_extension_improvement
> Voting on this RFC will begin in two weeks (2022-07-02), in time for the
> PHP 8.2 Feature Freeze. (Vote finished in 2022-07-16, Feature Freeze is
> 2022-07-19)
> In the unlikely event that the Random Extension 5.x RFC is rejected, this
> RFC will become invalid regardless of the outcome of the vote.
> Best regards
> Go Kudo
 Hi Marc.

> It would be better to have different methods for both cases.

I agree.
The current specification is intended to be a drop-in replacement for
A better API should be provided.

In my opinion, the ability to return a single key by value when `int $num`
is 1 is unnecessary.
I don't need the ability to return a single key by value if `int $num` is
1, since I can simply refer to the first element of the array even if it is
returned as an array.

What about a signature like `Randomizer::pickArrayKeys(array $array, int
$num): array`?
The previous behavior when `int $num` is 1 can be easily reproduced as

$randomizer = new Random\Randomizer(new Random\Engine\Mt19937(1234,
[$key] = $randomizer->pickArrayKeys(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 1);

> If multiple keys are returned, they will be returned in the order they
were present in the original array.

Perhaps there is no particular significance to this specification. I don't
think it is necessary, but considering the drop-in replacement from
array_rand(), I think it is desirable to leave it as is.

At least as of PHP 8.2, we would like to avoid BC Break as much as possible.

Best regards
Go Kudo

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