2022年6月18日(土) 4:42 Go Kudo <g-k...@colopl.co.jp>:

> Hi internals.
> An RFC has been created to fix an issue in Random Extension 5.x.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/random_extension_improvement
> Voting on this RFC will begin in two weeks (2022-07-02), in time for the
> PHP 8.2 Feature Freeze. (Vote finished in 2022-07-16, Feature Freeze is
> 2022-07-19)
> In the unlikely event that the Random Extension 5.x RFC is rejected, this
> RFC will become invalid regardless of the outcome of the vote.
> Best regards
> Go Kudo


No additional comments seemed to be forthcoming, so the RFC was upgraded to
The following changes have been made


1. Add: `Refine classnames`
2. Add: `Random\SerializableEngine is outdated`
3. Add `Add Randomizer::pickArrayKeys(array $array, int $num): array
method` *1
4. Add `Random\SerializableEngine is outdated`
5. Remove: `PCG64 is ambiguous` (replaced by 1)
6. Remove: `Mersenne Twister is ambiguous` (replaced by 1)
7. Remove: `Randomizer lacks array_rand() replacement method` (replaced by

*1: Added with a little sample code.

Go Kudo

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