Hey Timon,

On Fri, 13 May 2022 at 15:33, Timon de Groot <tdegroo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi internals,
> Almost a year ago I first proposed my RFC draft to introduce a new
> json_encode parameter 'indent'. I have received a lot of feedback on the
> change, very insightful. The feedback can be boiled down to:
> - Accepting user input characters means you could create invalid JSON.
>    Do we want that? Should it be complying with the spec[1]?
> - Preference for pure types, so int OR string, not both.
> So I think I made the change more complex than it should have been and
> considered the three options:
>    1) Accept indent as an int, which will result in N spaces of indent
> per indentation level.
>    2) Accept indent as a string, which will result in string N per
> indentation level.
>    3) Accept indent as an int and indent_char as string, which will
> result in N * indent_char per indentation level.
> Option 1 seems very simple and feasible while not being confusing.
> Option 2 seems feasible, but somewhat more complex, because user input
> should be validated.
> Option 3 seems very flexible, but in my opinion very confusing at the
> same time, while I'm not sure there's even a use case for this level of
> flexibility.
> I have updated the pull request[2] and RFC[3] to be based on option 1,
> as I think this offers clear functionality and I feel like I can't
> really go wrong with the indent parameter as an int.
> Please let me know what your thoughts are and what needs to be done to
> get this RFC going forward!
> --
> Kind regards,
> Timon
> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4627
> [2] https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7093
> [3] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/json_encode_indentation
> --
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I went with "NO" here for various reasons:

 1. usage of `JSON_PRETTY_PRINT` is already rare enough to make the
relevance of this parameter almost null
 2. complicates an API signature for a very tiny detail
 3. if the problem is linting/preferences, have your favorite linter
process the file in the way you deem most appropriate

Doesn't need to live in php-src.


Marco Pivetta



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