Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
1. Submit proposal to web app
2. web app sends it to internals@ or some other relevant list
3. Replies to that email automatically get picked up by the web app
4. Alternatively, you can add comments via the web app which would
   also get bounced to the relevant mailing list

Then again, why use a webapp at all? AFAICS, Python uses a special directory in CVS [1] to which the PEPs are added.

 I think there is a certain beauty to this "low-tech" approach as you
 get access control and history out-of-the-box from CVS. And through the
 CVS commit mails one can easily follow the process via mail.

 [1] http://cvs.sf.net/viewcvs.py/python/python/nondist/peps/

Sebastian Bergmann
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