IMO good as-is: can be relaxed later (8.3 or later), if anybody believes
it's a show-stopper.

Readonly classes don't really need to be lazy.

Marco Pivetta

On Fri, 2 Sept 2022 at 19:31, Nicolas Grekas <>

> Hello everybody, hi Mate
> I played with readonly classes recently, to add support for them to
> lazy-loading proxy generation and I struggled upon what I see as serious
> issues.
> As noted in the RFC, and because the readonly flag must be set on child
> classes, those cannot:
>    1. Declare a new non-readonly property;
>    2. Have static properties;
>    3. Have dynamic properties.
> I figured out 1. and 2. not by reading the RFC but because I needed those
> capabilities in the generated inheritance proxies.
> 1. is the most serious one: being able to declare a non-readonly property
> is the only way to implement a cloneable proxy (to be allowed to do
> $this->realInstance = clone $this->realInstance; in __clone()). I think
> there are two ways to solve the use case I have: A. fix the
> non-cloneability of readonly props or B. allow child classes to add
> non-readonly properties. Because to me this is a serious restriction, A or
> B should ideally be in 8.2. I think A is a must-have so that might be the
> thing to do. But I'm also wondering about B: the RFC doesn't contain any
> rationale about why this restriction exists (it says "Similarly how
> overriding of readonly properties works", but the similarity is quite weak,
> readonly props don't apply to other properties of child classes.) If there
> is no compelling reason to have this limitation, it should be removed IMHO.
> Basically, this would mean that child classes of readonly classes wouldn't
> have to be readonly themselves (but the existing properties on the parent
> would have to be of course.)
> For 2.: static properties are useful e.g. to cache some shared state (info
> extracted from reflection in my case) and I really don't see why readonly
> classes should forbid static properties. Readonly is only useful for
> instances, because it gives them immutability, but what's the link with
> static properties? Note that this is less important than the previous point
> as it's always possible to store shared global state in another class. But
> still, this feels arbitrary to me.
> For 3. I just noted the limitation to be exhaustive, but I'm really fine if
> dynamic properties remain forbidden on child classes. It might be seen as
> inconsistent with other classes, but dynamic properties don't have any
> purpose anyway since there is always an alternative to them.
> I understand there are good intentions behind these limitations (making PHP
> a stricter language). But here, I feel like this is detrimental to the
> language, by making it a minefield of kinda arbitrary dos and don'ts. At
> least that's what I feel here.
> Does that make sense to you? Should we remove the limitations I mention?
> Nicolas
> PS: About allowing readonly props to be reinitialized during cloning, I
> tried but I failed as I can't
> make
> it work. I'd appreciate any help on the topic. I'd even be happy to close
> if someone else would like to work on the topic. Could that be you?

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