On 13.09.22 20:29, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 10:59 AM Mel Dafert <m...@dafert.at> wrote:

         (This happens in the legacy application I am working on, I do
    see it changing anytime soon.)

All of these solutions would be available in some future version of PHP. While your situation highlights something that might be broadly applicable to PHP, you'd likely have to update the legacy application to take advantage of any solution that was eventually included so that it could run on the most recent version of PHP. Unless you're suggesting that this would also be backported? 7.4 falls out of all support in a few months.

Just want to make sure you're aware of how the inclusion process would work for any solution to this issue.



I am aware that this will not help me immediately - I already put some hack in there that combines multiple of the given detection options and hopes for the best. I am not arguing for this to be backported, the third option would probably only change any default in PHP9 (but give me the knowledge that I can safely set `max_input_vars` to 0 everywhere).

However, the application is on its way towards being ported to PHP8, and mostly runs already. But just because I ported all of the backend code doesn't mean I was able to clean up any frontend code (or overly complex forms) at the same time. If any of my proposed options make it into 8.3, I do think it is realistic that I could use that solution in a two years or so (and sleep safely knowing that none of my forms containing multiselects will (almost) silently truncate data).



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