sounds like that's been done with PECL previously yeah?
PECL json until native json_encode in PHP5.2.0,
PECL PDO until native PDO in PHP 5.1.0,
PECL ZendOpcache until native opcache in PHP 5.5.5

On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 at 00:38, Flávio Heleno <> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2022, 17:43 David Rodrigues <> wrote:
> > I wanted to suggest the possibility of introducing experimental features to
> > PHP.
> >
> > This is an old thread I guess, but I think it's good to reevaluate the
> > situation from time to time, as other languages already do this to some
> > extent and PHP doesn't. Some platforms/languages (Node, Kotlin) and
> > libraries (React) bring features natively in an experimental way.
> >
> > I wanted to propose that we bring this idea into PHP, so we wouldn't have
> > to wait for new major/minor versions (eg. 9.0 or 8.2, 8.3) to try out these
> > new features, and so when these versions arrive, they'll already be quite
> > polished, avoiding patches sometime later due to wider usage of users.
> >
> > My idea is to have two levels of experimental features:
> >
> > (1) Via declare(), when the feature affects how PHP can act when reading
> > the file itself. Eg. declare(experimental_operator_override =
> > true), Something that happens with Kotlin, for example, when we use some
> > experimental annotations like contracts. These declarations work "per
> > file", so whenever it is necessary to use it, it must be declared.
> >
> > (2) Via experimental identifier name. Eg. experimental_json_validate() or
> > Experimental::json_validate(), like in Kotlin and also in React.
> >
> > Experimental features can only be brought into a minor version (eg. PHP
> > 8.1.12) when it is minimally refined and practically ready to use. It would
> > be "kind of" an expected final version, no new patches are expected (we
> > hope), unless something really went unnoticed.
> >
> > Despite this, experimental features may not exist until the next
> > major/minor release if its practical inefficiency is found or if the
> > concept is shown to be invalid. So it should always be a "use with care".
> >
> > However, if an experimental feature is successful, it becomes final at the
> > next major/minor or major/minor+1. The experimental version becomes an
> > alias during some future versions until it is removed entirely. This is the
> > time for users to adapt their code and for IDEs to help us find them.
> >
> > With this, we can understand whether users are making use of a certain
> > feature or not, make improvements on it, etc.
> >
> > I notice that many good features are rejected because they are believed to
> > be bad for PHP or can be confusing, but without any practical testing.
> > Experimental features can make this analysis more grounded in practical
> > data than just possibilities.
> >
> > However, this also doesn't mean that any idea can become an experimental
> > feature, but ideas that have a good foundation and a good discussion before
> > it. The difference is that the feature can be tested in practice before
> > being totally rejected, and approved features can be delivered ahead of
> > time to refine before the next version is released, allowing users to try
> > them out more easily.
> >
> >
> > Atenciosamente,
> > David Rodrigues
> >
> Hi David,
> Could this be done through extensions instead of having to develop a new
> process/support code?
> When json support was first introduced into php, it was done as an
> extension and then, after a while, incorporated into the core.

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