
in my every day experience, using custom DTO classes and different API, I often write code to instantiate my objects from associative arrays.

What are your thoughts on introduce the `(AnyType)` cast to instantiate objects from associative array (or object properties also)?

In my proposal, if AnyType implements __set_state(), casting should be syntactic sugar for:

    AnyType::_set_state((array) $data)

just for (useless) example, consider DateTime or DateTimeImmutable (both have __set_state() implementation); when applied to objects of that type, we can write:

    $dt = new DateTime();

    $dtArray = (array) $dt; // 3 elements array

    $copyOfDt = (DateTime) $dtArray; // or simply $copyOfDt = (DateTime) $dt;

In case AnyType does not implements __set_state(), casting should create a new instance, assigning values to properties, taken from array values with corresponding key (in a similar way class objects are created when row is fetched from database specifying PDO_FETCH_CLASS) eventually invoking __set() magic method for properties not declared;

In this scenario,

    (object) ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]


    (StdClass) ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2]

do exactly the same work.


- clear code

- array to object conversion (casting) would be the simmetrical counterpart of object to array conversion



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