> While I understand the proposed feature is opt-int it introduces more magic
> that can be solved using more verbose and IMO cleaner solutions.

Understood and appreciate the position.

> This is somehow confusing, why is the $response storing object ref is ok
> while inclining the new object creation is not?

Not quite following, apologies.

Adding a different use case.

Allow for fully-specified custom collections; array being the compound type 
that can resolve to false/empty based on count.

$array = [];

(bool) $array; // false

empty($array); // true

if ($array) { 
  // handle not empty 
// handle empty

$array = [1, 2, 3];

(bool) $array; // true

empty($array); // false

if ($array) { 
  // handle not empty 
// handle empty

Current state of PHP re custom collections (exclamation marks - ! - represent 
difference compared to native array):

class MyCollection implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable {}

$collection = new MyCollection([]);

(bool) $collection; // true - ! - because instance exists, regardless of 
collection content

empty($collection); // false - ! - same reason as previous

if ($collection) { 
  // ! - handle empty and not empty 
// ! - unreachable

$collection = new MyCollection([1, 2, 3]);

(bool) $collection; // true - because instance exists, regardless of collection 

empty($collection); // false - same as previous

if ($collection) { 
  // ! - handle empty and not empty 
// ! - unreachable

With RFC:

class MyCollection implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable, Falsifiable 
  public function __toBool(): bool
    return $this->count() > 0;

$collection = new MyCollection([]);

(bool) $collection; // false - because collection count === 0 - close to the 
previous comment re single value under inspection

empty($colleciton); // true - same as previous

if ($collection) { 
  // handle not empty 
// handle empty

$collection = new MyCollection([1, 2, 3]);

(bool) $collection; // true - because collection count > 0

empty($colleciton); // false - same as previous

if ($collection) { 
  // handle not empty 
// handle empty

Alternative approaches for custom collection use case: 

1. Modify Countable (most likely, if using alternative) to include empty() and 
bool() methods. 

Might feel more palatable despite not strictly limiting scope to the custom 
collection use case. 

Any class with Countable, for example, would also be able to resolve to false 
or empty using SPL functions - including use in IF.

Allows for explicit (“verbose"), direct call of both methods by user should 
they choose:



Instead of $collection->__toBool() OR something like $collection->__isEmpty()

Known drawback to using Countable would be in a possible future where there is 
a separation between 0, false, and empty when it comes to type juggling in PHP. 

Whereas using a Falsifiable interface leaves a simpler path of an Emptiness 
interface; again, should the three be separated in the future.

2. Or, modify ArrayAccess to include the empty() and bool() methods.

This would restrict the behavior more toward the custom collection concept.

However, would lean more toward Countable due to the equivalence in PHP type 
juggling and Countable using an integer: 0 == false == empty

Otherwise, similar to alternative #1.

3. Or, modify Iterator to include the empty() and bool() methods (or possibly 
leverage the valid() method that already exists?); otherwise, similar to 
alternative #2.


> On Nov 4, 2022, at 1:37 AM, Michał Marcin Brzuchalski 
> <michal.brzuchal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> if ($response->getStatusCode() > 199 and $response->getStatusCode() < 300)
>> {
>>  // do something with “true” - which has a range of 100 possibilities at
>> a granular level, which we could respond to differently - possible to
>> interact with $response
>> }
>> // do something with “false” - which has a range of more than 100
>> possibilities at a granular level, which we could respond to differently -
>> possible to interact with $response
>> We might wrap response to create an isOk() method to move the conditional
>> logic somewhere within the object itself and make the call site more
>> readable.
>> If ($response->isOk()) {
>>  // do something with “true” - still able to interact with $response
>> }
>> // do something with “false” - still able to interact with $response
> This looks way much cleaner and is easy to read and understand.
> While I understand the proposed feature is opt-int it introduces more magic
> that can be solved using more verbose and IMO cleaner solutions.
>> With the RFC:
>> if (new MyType($config)) {
>>  // do something with “true” - can’t use MyType because not assigned
>> }
>> // reachable because possible to resolve to false - if implements
>> Falsifiable and __toBool can resolve to false - can’t use MyType because
>> not assigned
>> if ($response = new MyType($config)) {
>>  // do something with “true” - with the option of using $response
>> }
>> // reachable - can’t use MyType because may not be assigned
>> $response = new MyType($config);
>> If ($response) {
>>  // do something with “true” - with the option of using $response
>> }
>> // do something with “false” - with the option of using $response
> This is somehow confusing, why is the $response storing object ref is ok
> while inclining the new object creation is not?
> This requires more attention while reading and debugging.
> Cheers,
> Michał Marcin Brzuchalski

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