> Le 11 déc. 2022 à 20:18, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> a écrit :
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2022, at 12:31 PM, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
>> Hi
>> On 11/29/22 21:29, Larry Garfield wrote:
>>> Thank you everyone for the feedback.  Based on this thread, we've made two 
>>> changes to the RFC:
>>> 1. We've moved readonly back to forbidden with a-viz for now.  I've added a 
>>> section to Future Scope where we really should sort this out in the future, 
>>> but we'll do that in the future when we can all focus on the various 
>>> nuances of just that piece.
>>> 2. I rewrote the section on __set to make it clearer.  That also included 
>>> Ilija and I digging into all the nuances that are already present.  The 
>>> text may still look a bit complex, but that's because the existing logic is 
>>> already complex with readonly.  Long story short, the a-viz RFC does not 
>>> change anything in the way __set works vis a vis asymmetric visibility; it 
>>> just inherits and continues what readonly already started, so it's 
>>> consistent.
>>> The PR should be updated in the next week or two with the latest changes.  
>>> Baring any major need for change, we expect to call a vote for it shortly 
>>> after New Years.
>> Okay, then I'd like to officially "request" that the abbreviated form 
>> [1] is dropped:
>> I believe 'protected(set) string $foo' is easily confused with 
>> 'protected string $foo' at a simple glance.
>> Also any implicit rules are something developers will need to learn by 
>> heart, whereas an explicit 'public protected(set) string $foo' could 
>> reasonably be understood by someone without any PHP experience and some 
>> basic experience of OO concepts.
>> Having two separate explicit keywords also makes it much clearer that 
>> asymmetric visibility is involved, because it's also asymmetric in the code.
>> I believe the only benefit of the abbreviated form is saving 6 
>> keystrokes (+ one hit to the spacebar) and I don't believe it's worth 
>> the lack of clarity for an important property of the defined property.
>> Best regards
>> Tim Düsterhus
>> [1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/asymmetric-visibility#abbreviated_form
> Does anyone else have feelings on this point?  IMO, the shorthand makes a lot 
> of sense when used with readonly to avoid lines getting just annoyingly long, 
> but without it I can see the argument for not allowing it; it's about a wash 
> in terms of length with readonly today.  I'm comfortable going with the 
> consensus on this one for now.
> --Larry Garfield


As of today, the following declarations are rejected as syntax errors:

class C {
    int $b;

while the following declarations are accepted with implicit `public` visibility:

class C {
    static $c;
    readonly int $d;

It would be reasonable to propose to allow to consistently omit the `public` 
keyword. But allowing to omit it in some cases (including the most 
controversial one: `protected(set)`) and not in other cases...? Because of this 
inconsistency, people are incited to always write explicitly `public` anyway.


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