On Tue, 17 Jan 2023, G. P. B. wrote:

> I would like to start the discussion on the Path to Saner 
> Increment/Decrement operators RFC: 
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/saner-inc-dec-operators
> The goal of this RFC is to reduce language complexity by making $v++ 
> behave like $v += 1 and $v-- behave like $v -= 1;

If that is the goal, then I would agree with this RFC.

However, changing the PERL string increment feature does not IMO fit 
into that goal, and it also a useful *feature*. On that base I would 
vote against this. And I suspect many others would as well.

Is there a way to avoid this single useful feature from being 
deprecated, while to good parts of this RFC stay?

I am also unsure as how much actual breakage this would cause, and 
before this gets up to a vote, I would like to see how bad (or not) this 
would affect already existing code bases.


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