> On 1/19/23 18:43, Ilija Tovilo wrote:
> > You're right, we'll try to improve the wording and provide a handful of
> > examples. Essentially, $callingScope should contain the class name of
> > the calling scope, so the place where the magic method was called. When
> > the calling scope is not a class (global scope, function, static
> > closure, etc.) null is passed instead.
> Thank you, this is more clear now.
> > given property. This is not a problem when the property is supposed to
> > be public but becomes difficult when trying to restrict access to it. It
> If I understand the proposal correctly, then any access restriction
> would effectively be a Gentleman's agreement only, because nothing is
> preventing me from calling '$someObj->__get('someProp',
> $someObj::class);', no?

Yep. That's already the case: using a rebound close, we can fake any scope
already so this is not new capability.

> Honestly so far I fail to see the cost/benefit ratio to be acceptable
> for the added complexity here. Not just the implementation complexity
> within the language itself, but also because this will need to be
> documented within the PHP manual and integrated within tooling, such as
> static analyzers.
> Is there some real-world example where I would employ this type of
> access control within the magic methods and where "not documenting the
> property to not expose it to the IDE autocompletion" would not be
> sufficient, but this easily circumventable check would be?
> My only use case of __get() so far was making properties visible to the
> public, while restricting write access, so this is not a problem I
> needed to solve before.

Legit concerns. I'm going to prepare a more extensive use case so the
motivations of RFC become more obvious.

I'll get back on this thread when ready. Stay tuned :)


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