On 15 February 2023 02:35:42 GMT, Thomas Hruska <thru...@cubiclesoft.com> wrote:
>On 2/14/2023 2:02 PM, Rowan Tommins wrote:
>I thought about that but didn't know how well it would be received nor, 
>perhaps more importantly, the direction it should take (i.e. a formal Zend 
>type in the engine, extending the existing zend_string type, a class, some 
>combination, or something else entirely).  All of the more advanced options I 
>came up with would have required some code changes to the PHP source itself 
>with a new data type being the most involved and probably the most 

My instinct was that it could just be a built-in class, with an internal 
pointer to a zend_string that's completely invisible to userland. Something 
like how the SimpleXML and DOM objects just point into a libxml parse result.

Then to add to existing functions requires changing an argument type from 
string to string|Buffer, rather than adding new arguments. 

No change to the type system needed, internally or externally, just some code 
to unwrap the pointer. But perhaps I'm being naive and oversimplifying, as I 
don't have a deep understanding of the engine.

>I'm not entirely sure what the next step here should be.  Should I go research 
>the above, or go back and develop/test and then propose something concrete in 
>an OO direction and gather feedback at that point, or should we hash it out a 
>bit more here on the list to get a more specific direction to go in?

Well, those were just my thoughts; maybe someone else will come along shortly 
with a very different take.


Rowan Tommins

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