On 15/03/2023 21:12, Dan Ackroyd wrote:
Would it be desirable to split those two things into two separate
RFCs, by having the first RFC not have native syntax support, but
instead another static method on Closure? e.g. something like:

Closure::partial($callable, array $position_params, array
$named_params): Closure {}

Hm... now we have the first-class callable syntax, making it an instance method on Closure would allow this:

$mapFoo = array_map(...)->partial([$foo]);
$filterFoo = array_filter(...)->partial([1 => $foo]);

Which could copy over the full signature, so be equivalent to this:

$mapFoo = static fn(array ...$arrays): array => array_map($foo, ...$arrays);
$filterFoo = static fn(array $array, int $mode = 0): array => array_filter($array, $foo, $mode);

While being a similar length to a much less rich version:

$mapFoo = fn($array) => array_map($foo, $array);
$filterFoo = fn($array) => array_filter($array, $foo);


Rowan Tommins

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