Hi Michael

> I would like to open a discussion for 
> https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/10791 .
> [https://opengraph.githubassets.com/a23cb565cc8acac6a33ecab5d9ee68a46f046a1ffe215501673156e506695430/php/php-src/issues/10791]<https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/10791>
> Array spread append · Issue #10791 · 
> php/php-src<https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/10791>
> Description Currently spread operator can be used for almost anything. But 
> not for array append. I propose the following to be supported: <?php $arr = 
> [1, 2]; $arr2 = [3, 4]; $arr[...] = $arr2; // ...
> github.com
> Appending N elements to an array is quite common language usage pattern and I 
> belive it should be supported natively for shorter syntax, language 
> consistency and performance.Hi Michael

There are a few questions that come to mind (there may be more).

* Are integer keys preserved? I'm assuming no, as otherwise it would
be the same as `$a + $b`.
* What is the return value of the expression `$a[...] = $b`? I'm
assuming $a after the additions of $b?
* How does it behave in combination with `ArrayAccess`? Throw? Call
`offsetSet` for each element?
* How does it interact with references? E.g. This is valid PHP code:
`assign_by_ref($a[])` (https://3v4l.org/qoJYn)
* How does it interact with undefined/null values? E.g. `$a[] = 42;`
works without declaring $a first.
* Is there a need for this? Given that `+` doesn't work with
sequential lists and `array_push($a, ...$b)` doesn't work with strings
I'd say possibly. `[...$a, ...$b]` works but requires duplication of
the array which in loops can be detrimental to performance.


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