On 10 April 2023 13:17:04 BST, "G. P. B." <george.bany...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hello Internals,
>Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that fixes
>some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
>introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:


Thanks both for tackling this, I know function autoloading has long been on a 
lot of people's wish lists.

A few thoughts:

> As a result of the pinning, function_exists() will return true for functions 
> in namespaces that have been pinned to a global function. 

The lookup pinning seems like the right way to optimise the implementation, but 
I don't think it should be visible to user code like this - a lookup for 
"strlen" in namespace "Foo" is not the same as defining the function 
"Foo\strlen". Consider this code:

namespace Bar {
    if ( function_exists('Foo\strlen') ) {
namespace Foo {
     strlen('hello'); // triggers name pinning
namespace Bar {
    if ( function_exists('Foo\strlen') ) {

If I'm reading the RFC correctly, the second function_exists will return true. 
I'm less clear if the call to \Foo\strlen will actually succeed - if it gives 
"undefined function", then function_exists is clearly broken; if it calls the 
global strlen(), that's a very surprising side effect. For bonus points, the 
call to strlen that triggers pinning could be inside an autoloader, making even 
the first function_exists call return true.

Similarly, I think it should be possible to "unpin" a function lookup with a 
later definition, even if no autoloading would be triggered. That is, this 
should not be a duplicate definition error:

namespace Foo;
if ( strlen('magic') != 42 ) {
    function strlen($string) { /* ... */ }

> The use of the word class in the API is currently accurate

This isn't actually true: classes, interfaces, traits, and enums all share a 
symbol table, and thus an autoloader. I don't know of a good name for this 
symbol table, though.

Regarding the API, would it be possible to take advantage of nearly all 
autoloaders only being interested in particular namespace prefixes? 

Currently, every registered autoloader is run for every lookup, and most 
immediately check the input for one or two prefixes, and return early if not 
matched. I suspect this design is largely because autoloading came before 
namespaces, so the definition of "prefix" wasn't well-defined, but going in and 
out of userland callbacks like this is presumably rather inefficient.

Perhaps the "register" functions should take an optional list of namespace 
prefixes, so that the core implementation can do the string comparison, and 
only despatch to the userland code if the requested class/function name matches.

Thanks again for working on this!


Rowan Tommins

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