
I want to write an OO extension in C++ for my PHP 4.3.8 under linux.

I have already written some extensions in C for my own purposes, which
introduce new functions to PHP.
Studying the sources of ext/standard/dir.c, ext/ming/ming.c and the
tutorial from J Smith (http://bugs.tutorbuddy.com/phpcpp/phpcpp/) I got
already this far:

I have managed to build and link the CPP sources as a shared object
which can be loaded and called from PHP.
I have introduced the new class to PHP using the following code in the
PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION of my extension:

static zend_class_entry *url_class_entry_ptr;
static int le_url;

function_entry url_class_functions[] = {
        PHP_FALIAS(url, url_init, NULL)
        PHP_FALIAS(set_string, url_set_string, NULL)
        {NULL, NULL, NULL}

static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(destroy_url)
    if (rsrc->ptr) {
        delete (Url_class*) rsrc->ptr;
        rsrc->ptr = NULL;
        zend_class_entry url_class_entry;
        INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(url_class_entry, "url", url_class_functions);
        url_class_entry_ptr = zend_register_internal_class(&url_class_entry

        le_url = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(destroy_url, NULL, "url",

        return SUCCESS;

This class can be created, and the functions (methods) can be called
from PHP.
$url = new URL();

Now my problem is, how can I save the pointer of my C++ class, created
in the url_init function, and restore it in the other functions/methods:
        Url_class * url = new Url_class;
        / * code to save the address of url */

        Url_class *url = NULL;

        /* code to fetch url */
        if( url != NULL ) {

I could not work out how to do this, by studying the code of the OO
extensions I mentioned.
Can someone give me a hint, ore some example code, how to do such things?

Jan Gerritsen

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