I love this idea. Although GitHub is not perfect, it would be so much
better than a mailing list. Mailings lists are annoying: they have very
poor searching capabilities, you can't unsubscribe from a thread you are
not interested in, you can't follow the conversation easily because it's
not always obvious what is a quote and what is not, there is this annoying
rule about bottom posting that makes messages more difficult to read, there
is no code formatting, no editing, no tagging or organizing of message in
any way, and a lot more smaller annoyances. It's the same as SMS or any
other simple chat application. It's just too limited.

But unfortunately, if it came to a vote, I would vote NO. The mailing list
must remain IMHO. It's terrible and annoying but it's also very simple and
ubiquitous. And that's what is needed for inclusivity. A lot of senior
developers prefer this kind of communication method so if we asked them to
switch over we could lose them. Not to mention people who have no access to
GitHub because of sanctions. It's the ubiquitousness of email that makes it
the best tool for the job even if it's actually terrible for technical

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