On 13 April 2023 04:59:56 BST, Eugene Sidelnyk <zsidel...@gmail.com> wrote:

>It would be a great pleasure to have the ability to wrap the instance
>method the same way. 

The first-class callable syntax works just fine with instance methods, but you 
need to use it on a particular instance: $someInstance->someMethod(...)

Unfortunately, this is no use for your example, essentially because PHP 
(unlike, say, Python) doesn't consider $this to be part of the parameters to a 
method: Verification::getId(...) would mean fn($item) => 
Verification::getId($item) but you can't call an instance method that way.

What you want is fn($item) => $item->getId(). A syntax like ...->getId() 
wouldn't be much use - it wouldn't be able to check for the method's existence 
in advance (the "call to non-static" error in your example happens as soon as 
you try to create the closure https://3v4l.org/G8va8), or copy over any type 
information, because there's no way to deduce what class will be used later.

So maybe it would need some other indicator, like Verification::getId(instance 
...) to indicate that you want a closure with an extra parameter to be used as 
the instance. Maybe someone has a less ugly suggestion?


Rowan Tommins

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