
On 4/19/23 17:11, Garet Claborn wrote:
> Hello PHP Internals,
> I am Garet Claborn, CTO for Suitespace Inc
> <https://www.getsuiteux.com/>, leading
> up our R&D team. Just registered and my PHP Wiki username is:
> *suitespacernd*
> We use PHP extensively in our projects. Specifically I finally registered
> as I have written up an RFC in response to this issue thread
> <https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9208> on GitHub. While I am notably
> attached to said issue, I hope to provide useful feedback in general from
> our case studies.
> Feel free to reach out for whatever reason.
> Cheers,
> Garet Claborn
> CTO, Suitespace Inc
> ga...@suiteux.com

Good luck with the RFC, I'm also quite interested in this feature so I'm 
interested to see where it goes.
You might also want to explicitly ask for RFC karma so that you can create a 
wiki page for the RFC, if you haven't done that already :)

Kind regards

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