Nothing seems to happen on this front, and our Windows users like to move to 
PHP 8.2 too.

The site states: "This is because the Windows PECL build 
machine died, and the team is still working on the long term plan of building 
DLLs for PECL extensions with a new CI process."

We are 1 year since the machine died. 6 month since the statement on the 
website. From the point of view of our users nothing has changed, and are 
questioning if the windows project is still alive.

I'd like to ask: Is re-inventing the building process really a smart thing to 
do if it means we'll be out-of-service for more than a year?

"We're doing our best to finish that as soon as possible, and keep you up to 

I'm not questioning intentions, but I hate to think this is 'our best'. We 
should at least have and share a more concrete plan, possibly share a rough 
timeframe and share if we hit a blocking problem. If help is needed, we should 

Greetings, Casper

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