>outdated format, standard has been changed while ago

What do you mean? Do you mean that the constant was legal at some point?
Was there ever a version of ISO8601 allowing the mixing of "extended
format" and "basic format" ? The earliest version I've read, iso8604:2004,
does not allow it (more on that here:
https://externals.io/email/114883/source - can't find the proper link right
now, am on phone). Haven't read the older 1988/1999/2000 versions, and it's
possible one of those allowed it, but I doubt it. The only thing I can say
for sure is that it's been illegal since the 2004 version

On Fri, May 19, 2023, 23:17 Jorg Sowa <jorg.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > How common is it in the wild?  I am pretty sure I've used it myself
> without really thinking many times, which I suspect is common.  Knowing how
> much code would be impacted would determine how we'd go about deprecating
> it and on what timeline.
> I'm not sure how would be possible to find out. I suppose most of the
> frameworks (and thus popular PHP libraries) avoid this constant as showed
> in Drupal and Carbon. The scanning of popular libraries will not show the
> scale of the problem (however I will do it tomorrow) Helpful fact is that
> those constants are just constants so it's easily replaceable with
> strings 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO'
> and 'D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T'.

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