W dniu 2.06.2023 o 02:14, Casper Langemeijer pisze:
On Thu, Jun 1, 2023, at 18:02, Janusz Szczypka wrote:
array_find(): This function would allow developers to find the first element in
an array that satisfies a specific condition. The condition would be defined by 
a callback function.
This would actually be an alternative to a simple foreach() with an if() and a 
break. As your example implementation makes clear.

array_find() and array_find_key() would still do the same internally, but add a 
function call adding the overhead of pushing parameters to stack, switching the 
scope, passing return value back switch scope and pop from the callstack again. 
If parameters or return value are typed this adds even more overhead.

I don't think there is any optimisation possible when this is done in C.

To the proposer it probably feels that this is an array function currently 
missing, but instead it's probably better not to have array_find() because 
people might actually use it for larger datasets.

Although I acknowledge that it will reduce the number of lines of PHP code it 
doesn't actually reduce the mental capacity to read and maintain code. I find 
the simple elemental building blocks of loops, conditionals and expressions 
easier and more expressive. In my experience this is especially so for less 
experienced developers.

Then there is a problem of naming. array_search() and array_find(). To a new 
developer, how would they know which is which?

Also there is the missing array_find_value_and_key() method. Because why should 
we be limited to either matching the key OR the value?


You are right about speed penalty for using those functions over simple loops, however if we would stick to that point of view, we should deprecate and remove array_filter, array_map, array_walk, array_u...

Proposed functions are not intended for developers working on large arrays with speed constraints, but for simple usecases where (at least for some people) readability will be improved by reducing 6 lines of code to just 1.

"find" is consistent with names of the same function in other languages as Tim has pointed in his email yesterday.

I leally do not see many uses for array_find_value_and_key, however - as I you can see in my example implementations - condition is only checked for the values of the array. We could have a nice family of array_find_... functions including adding array_find_by_key and array_find_key_by_key, array_find_by_value_and_key and array_find_key_by_value_and_key... ;) or better discuss whether we should pass both key and value to callback like below (order of the arguments for the callback is to be discussed) or use flags like in array_filter to decide what do we want to pass

function array_find(callable $callback, array $array)
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        if (call_user_func($callback, $value, $key) === true) {
            return $row;
    return null;


function array_find(callable $callback, array $array, int $mode = 0)

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