On 6/24/23 21:39, Nikita Popov wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2022, at 22:39, Christoph M. Becker wrote:
>> On 30.12.2022 at 22:12, Nikita Popov wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022, at 14:29, Christoph M. Becker wrote:
>>>> On 09.11.2022 at 23:27, Nikita Popov wrote:
>>>>> It looks like GitHub has just added support for private security reports:
>>>>> https://github.blog/changelog/2022-11-09-privately-report-vulnerabilities-to-repository-maintainers/
>>>>> I haven't looked into the details, but it probably makes sense to enable
>>>>> those on php-src and make this our official venue for security bug 
>>>>> reports.
>>>>> This would allow retiring the last remaining use of bugs.php.net (well,
>>>>> apart from the archive of old issues, which should of course remain).
>>>> I agree, but maybe the security team is in favor of sticking with
>>>> bugs.php.net.
>>> I noticed that the php-src repo does enable private vulnerability reports 
>>> now, and there is one sitting around without response at 
>>> https://github.com/php/php-src/security/advisories/GHSA-54hq-v5wp-fqgv.
>>> Possibly this was enabled unintentionally / without coordination with the 
>>> security team? That should probably either be disabled again, or someone 
>>> needs to keep an eye on it.
>> I had enabled that some weeks ago, since there has been a spam attack on
>> bugsnet, so we could test the new feature.  I probably should have
>> written to list right away, or at least have kept an eye on it, but I've
>> assumed to be notified about reported issues.
>> I'll have a closer look at the rather verbose report tomorrow, if nobody
>> beats me to it.
>> Generally, I'm in favor of keeping security reports on Github enabled;
>> we should stop user (not developer) comments on bugsnet as soon as
>> possible; there is already more spam than useful comments for quite a
>> while, and I think Github offers better feature to handle that.
>> Regarding the access rights on security advisories: currently only php
>> owners[1] may see and collaborate there.  To my knowledge, most of those
>> who are subscribed to the security mailing list are already in that
>> group, but if need be, others might be added, or maybe it's preferable
>> to create a new team for this.
>> Thoughts?
> Security bug reports on GitHub have been active for a while now, with about 
> 10 reports having been processed.
> I wanted to check back whether security folks are happy with the process, and 
> whether it is time to make this the official channel for security reports, 
> which would allow us to disable issue creation on bugs.php.net entirely. (I 
> saw that the reports are 90% spam at this point.)
> Regards,
> Nikita

FWIW, if you press the "new issue" button on GitHub you get to this page: 
If you choose the last option "Security Issue" you still get redirected to the 
bugs.php.net bugtracker.
Interestingly, there's also a "Report a security vulnerability" option in the 
middle which brings you to the private report page on GitHub.
I guess this should be updated too.

Kind regards

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