Hello all,

A while back, I wrote a lengthy post about suggested improvements for 
reflection, but I would like to come back to address additional methods for 
dealing with attributes. (I have an open git issue here: 

I'd like to introduce the following three methods on all reflect classes that 
have attributes:

hasAttribute(string $name, int $flags = 0): bool

Uses the same filtering as getAttributes(), but returns true if a match is 
found, false otherwise.

getAttribute(string $name, int $flags = 0): ?ReflectionAttribute

Also uses the same filtering as getAttributes(), except that it will return an 
instance of ReflectionAttribute if one is found, null if none are found, and 
will throw an exception of more than 1 is found.

getNumberOfAttributes(?string $name = null, int $flags = 0): int

Again, uses the same filtering as getAttributes(), and is to attributes what 
getNumberOfParameters() is to parameters. I appreciate that this methods use 
may not be obvious, but I wanted to include it for consistency.

I'm relatively confident that I have worked out the best method of implementing 
these, and contributors have agreed to merge a PR, which I will start shortly, 
should there be no objections.

Best Regards,
*Ollie Read*

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