Hi, internals.

I thought about various things to improve the current situation where 
`PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE` is not working very smartly.

Exceptions may be thrown regardless of the setting of `PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE`.

Another annoyance is that `PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT` sometimes gives a warning.
This is an undocumented phenomenon, and it's a 19-year-old vintage bug.

Based on these, I feel that the reliability of the attribute value 
PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE is low and there is not much meaning in its existence as an 
attribute value.

Since the default behavior became `PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION` in PHP8.0.0, I think 
it would be better to abolish it rather than leave it halfway.

I think this is a big change, so I'm assuming 9.x+ even if it's implemented.
I will do the implementation myself.

Please let me know what you think.
Thank you.

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