Hi Hanz

On 05/09/2023 11:39, Hanz wrote:
> Hello,
> Ran into a couple of issues with RC1 that I haven't seen online.
> With --with-pear: The --with-pear option is deprecated
> With --enable-pear: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-pear
> I'm using --disable-all as the first parameter.

I don't know about this, sorry.

> And post install (after ignoring the above):
> [root@asm1 bin]# ./pecl install ZendOpcache
> Zend OPcache requires Zend Engine API version 420220830.
> The Zend Engine API version 420230831 which is installed, is newer.
> Contact Zend Technologies at http://www.zend.com/ for a later version
> of Zend OPcache.
> pecl/zendopcache requires PHP (version >= 5.2.0, version <= 5.5.0),
> installed version is 8.3.0RC1

I can comment on this one though.
Zend opcache is a part of PHP nowadays, you don't need to install a separate 
extension for that. That's why the PECL version requires PHP <= 5.5.0.
Just make sure you use --enable-opcache during ./configure, and that you 
activate it in your php.ini (with the right key-value pair using 

> Similar message during compile time, too.  Unfortunately
> --enable-option-checking didn't tell me, so grep did :)
> Any thoughts appreciated.  This is on AWS 2023.
> Best,
> ---
> Hans Z.
> http://nyphp.org

Kind regards

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