On Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 1:22 AM Tim Düsterhus <t...@bastelstu.be> wrote:

> Hi
> On 9/15/23 17:50, Ben Ramsey wrote:
> > Additionally, despite the use of a Git submodule complicating things for
> > "everyone else," it provides a clear dependency and development
> > boundary, avoiding situations where the php-src version of IR drifts
> > from the upstream version. I think we can adjust tooling and messaging
> > to help folks know how to use the submodule. :-)
> Do not want: If the submodule repository goes away for whatever reason,
> the dependency will no longer be available. IR is currently sitting in
> Dmitry's personal GitHub account and it would not be the first time that
> a GitHub account is suspended for good or less good reasons [1].

Yes. I agree. Everything is possible nowadays.

> Bundle IR in some dedicated directory with php-src. Then updating it is
> as easy as "throw away the directory and copy over the new files". We
> could even automate that using GitHub actions to sync in the changes
> every night or so.

I already embedded the necessary part of the IR project unde
I'm going to manage mirroring manually (similar to libdate in ext/date).

Dmitry also said that he gave 'git subtree' a try. I don't know that
> command myself, but it looks exactly like what is required here. I would
> be interested in hearing whyy it didn't work well.

``git subtree`` and ``subrepo`` may help mirroring but they are also not
On one hand they can't mirror the history in a useful way, on the other
hand they can't mirror part of the project.

Thanks. Dmitry.

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