I think it's a non-starter because it would change how the existing
code is interpreted.

E.g. currently
<?php $title = 'rand'; ?>
<h1><?= $title ?></h1>

outputs `rand`, but with your proposal it would invoke `rand()` and
output its result.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 8:19 PM Shailesh Humbad
<shail...@atensoftware.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm gauging interest on a proposed change to the short echo tag "<?=".
> The short echo tag "<?= $x ?>" is equivalent to "<?php echo $x ?>",
> which allows for beautiful MVC views like this:
> <html>
> <head><title><?= $model->title ?></title></head>
> <body><?= $model->body ?></body>
> </html>
> Change the short echo tag "<?= $x ?>" to be equivalent to "<?php
> is_callable($x) ? $x() : echo $x; ?>", which allows view model
> properties to be defined as closures.  This syntactic sugar would
> encourage higher-performance coding practices, since it allows for
> content to be streamed rather than buffered into memory before being
> output.  (Note that there is no need to pass any parameters to the
> closure, or even have that as an option.)  Here is a sample:
> $model = new StdClass();
> $FileName = 'LargeFile.html';
> $model->bodyStream = function () use $FileName { readfile($FileName); };
> <html>
> <head><title><?= $model->title ?></title></head>
> <body><?= $model->bodyStream ?></body>
> </html>
> Thank you for considering!
> Regards,
> Shailesh
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      Bruce Weirdan                                     mailto:weir...@gmail.com

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