On 9/29/23 20:22, Larry Garfield wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2023, at 6:12 PM, Niels Dossche wrote:
>>> Unclear to me: Would the XML constants also be aliased into the namespace 
>>> verbatim, or left globally?  
>> I'll clarify this.
>> The intention is to alias them verbatim.
> :thumbs up emoji:
>>> Did you consider making the new classes throw exceptions rather than 
>>> forcing people to remember to call another "was there an error" global 
>>> function like it's still 1996? :-)
>> I did think about it.
>> Using exceptions for the parser is not viable. This is because parse 
>> errors in HTML aren't actually hard errors.
>> The errors are recoverable, i.e. the parser spec tells us how to 
>> proceed when an error occurred. So in a sense, they're closer to 
>> warnings. Using an exception would abort parsing.
>> As a side note, a good amount of the web pages out there violates at 
>> least one parsing rule, but browsers know by-spec how to proceed in 
>> that case (which is probably also why they're often not fixed).
>> I thought about other options as well. E.g. providing a 
>> getParseErrors() method or letting the factory methods return parse 
>> errors optionally as well.
>> However, I think they're not significantly better than what we have 
>> now. Furthermore, I think overhauling how the parse errors are handled 
>> in ext/dom (and maybe by extension ext/simplexml to keep consistency) 
>> is a bit of a feature creep. See also the motivation in the RFC text.
>> Therefore, I would keep the error handling as it is described now in 
>> the RFC.
>> If accepted, this RFC would land early in the 8.4 development cycle.
>> Therefore, we can gather feedback very early on. If we do notice a 
>> major problem in how these things are handled, they can be changed by a 
>> hypothetical future RFC in the same development cycle. That would also 
>> require thinking about the other XML extensions though.
> All valid, thanks.  It would be helpful to include some mention of that in 
> the Errors section to make it clear why exceptions right now are not an 
> option, given the push elsewhere to get rid of the old error handling 
> approaches in favor of exceptions.

Ack, will do! :)

> --Larry Garfield


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