On Sun, 15 Oct 2023, 04:49 Saki Takamachi, <s...@sakiot.com> wrote:

> I came up with the idea of ​​using a signature like array_filter(), and
> when a callback is passed, "return the first/last element that matches the
> condition" and "return null if there is no match."
> The downside to this idea is the loss of simplicity. So I'll leave it up
> to you whether you want to go with this idea or not. I have no intention of
> forcing this.
> Best regards.

I'm in favor of these functions.

Right now I am doing:

$firstItem = current($array)
$secondItem = next($array)

Which is simple and works, but really it's just by design that the code
hasn't shifted the array pointer yet and I can cheat with current()

If the pointer was shifted then I'd have to do reset(), which isn't good.

array_first() for the win

Many thanks,

> Saki
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