I recently watched a video [1] that once again brought the topic of reproducible builds [2] to my attention.

I believe that reproducible builds are becoming more and more important and that the build of the PHP interpreter/runtime should become reproducible.

Right now, compiling the same version of PHP's C sources in the same environment (using the same compiler, against the same dependencies, etc.) produces a different binary every time. "Different" meaning that the built artifacts, the "php" executable for the CLI SAPI, for example, are not bit-by-bit identical.

One obvious reason why this is the case is the fact that we use __DATE__ and __TIME__ in a couple of places. These preprocessor macros are expanded by the C compiler at compile-time to the current date and time. They are used in sapi/cli/php_cli.c, for instance, so that the output of "php -i" contains the date and time when the executable was compiled.

I have not yet checked whether usage of the __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros is the only thing that makes the compilation of PHP irreproducible, but no longer using them would be a good start on the path towards reproducible builds.

While we could probably replace __DATE__ and __TIME__ with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH [3] [4], I cannot help but wonder whether having the date and time when the executable was built in the executable is actually useful. How attached are we to having the date and time of the build in the output of phpinfo(), "php -i", etc.?

AFAIK, the topic of reproducible builds was brought up in 2017 for the first, and before this email only, time [5]. There was a PR [6] that was merged into PHP 7.1 which introduced the use of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to define PHP_BUILD_DATE in configure.ac. Today, when I grep for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH on the master branch, I do not find any usage of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH anymore. Or PHP_BUILD_DATE, for that matter.

[1] https://media.ccc.de/v/camp2023-57236-reproducible_builds_the_first_ten_years
[2] https://reproducible-builds.org/
[3] https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
[4] https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/
[5] https://externals.io/message/101327#101327
[6] https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/2965

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