Hi, Internals

We got feature request for "Multibyte for ucfirst function".

I think make sense for implement this function, but I don't know well
about not-latin language.
I have a question.

gnutix san pick up sample to below:

function mb_ucfirst(string $str, ?string $encoding = null): string
    return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($str, 0, 1, $encoding), $encoding)
. mb_substr($str, 1, null, $encoding);

mb_strtoupper supports not-latin language, Therefore, that means
effect ucfirst not-latin language.

Manual of mb_strtoupper is shows example #2 not-latin language.

What do we think? Feel free to comment.

Cheers for new year.

Yuya Hamada (tekimen)
- https://tekitoh-memdhoi.info
- https://github.com/youkidearitai

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