On Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 8:43 AM, youkidearitai wrote:
> Hi, Internals
> I starting discussion to mb_ucfirst and mb_lcfirst.
> RFC Link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/mb_ucfirst
> Regards
> Yuya

Minor typo note: "o do this will implobe the readability"

> According to research about Unicode, some (natural) lanugage doesn't may 
> expected behavior, please deal with it in userland if any wrong. Because 
> (natural) languages is a lot of exists, it is difficult to deal in mbstring. 

This paragraph is... very confusing.  I think it's a translation issue, because 
I can't tell what you're saying here as the grammar doesn't work.  I recommend 
discussing with a native speaker to help clarify this paragraph.

I'm fine with the concept, but the text needs to be tightened.

--Larry Garfield

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