On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 12:54 PM Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com>

> I am in support of this change.  My only concern is timeline.  This RFC
> would deprecate it in 8.4, and presumably support would be removed in 9.0.
> While we haven't discussed a timeline for 9.0, historically the pattern is
> every 5 years, which would put 9.0 after 8.4, which means only one year of
> deprecation notices for this change.

This is... not true. There is literally no established pattern for when
major releases take place, either by length of time, or number of minor

PHP 3 had no minor releases. PHP 4 had 4 minor releases before PHP 5
dropped, and then a minor release happened AFTER PHP 5 was already in the
wild (4.4). PHP 5 had 7 minor releases, with MULTIPLE YEARS between some of
the minor releases before the current process was adopted towards the end
of its lifecycle.

We are moving TOWARDS a fairly standard process, but there's no definite
plans for PHP 9 to follow after 8.4 as of yet, and the process does not
require it.

> Given the massive amount of code that built up between 5.1 and 7.1, and
> 7.1 and today, I worry that a year won't be enough time for legacy code to
> clean up and it would be another "OMG you broke everything you evil
> Internals <expletive deleted>!" like the "undefined is now warning" changes
> in 8.0.  (In both cases, well-written code any time from the past decade
> has no issue but well-written code is seemingly the minority.)

But I DO agree with the above. So this might be a time for us to start
discussing if/when we want a PHP 9 to occur.


Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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