On Mon, Feb 26, 2024, at 19:01, Rowan Tommins wrote:
> On 26/02/2024 16:14, Rob Landers wrote:
> > There wasn’t any mention about issues FROM Gmail TO the list. I sent 
> > this email because it didn’t seem like ANYONE was aware of the issue 
> > (otherwise someone would have mentioned it, so people would stop 
> > hammering the server trying to send emails that couldn’t be sent). 
> > Even emailing people like Derrick directly was failing to be sent. 
> Absolutely, it wasn't my intention to criticise you for asking, just to 
> reassure you that it is a known issue - I only know myself because I 
> reached out on a different forum, and was reassured in my turn.
> The mention of the other problems was just in case you hadn't spotted 
> that thread.

Oh no worries! I’m just glad people know that they know.

> Hopefully all will be resolved soon, and we can get back to our 
> regularly scheduled bikeshedding ;)

Looking forward to it! I have a very long question I sent to the list a few 
minutes after it broke, mostly about a bug with traits that has been fixed and 
broken at least once and I’m not sure if it is intentionally broken. I can open 
a PR to fix it, but if it’s intentionally broken and needs an RFC to fix, it 
probably won’t happen (at least by me).

> Regards,
> -- 
> Rowan Tommins
> [IMSoP]

— Rob

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