---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anton Smirnov <aroke...@outlook.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 at 19:56
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Discussion] Deprecate GET/POST sessions
To: Kamil Tekiela <tekiela...@gmail.com>


I'm sorry for addressing you directly, if you can forward this message
to internals I'd be grateful. It seems outlook is still banned and I
can't re-subscribe with any other email (tried outlook, gmail, vivaldi
and a small private service)

On 02/03/2024 23:10, Kamil Tekiela wrote:
 > Hi Internals,
 > I would like to start a discussion on a new RFC
 > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate-get-post-sessions
 > Please let me know whether the idea is clear and the RFC is
 > In particular, I am looking for any feedback as to why this is a bad
 > idea. The primary motivation behind this RFC is to reduce potential
 > security pitfalls.
 > Regards,
 > Kamil Tekiela


As I know some session-related middlewares force custom-only session_id
handling by setting

   use_cookies = Off
   use_only_cookies = On

and then using session_id(...) directly


I think if you're making this hack impossible, you should provide an
alternative non-hackish way to do this.

Maybe just keep use_cookies = Off

A wild idea:

1) Add a temporary config

   # by default; current behavior;
   # throws a deprecation right from the introduction
   cookies.use_post_get = On
   # do not set the session from POST and GET
   cookies.use_post_get = Off

Remove it in 9 with the rest

2) keep use_cookies in PHP 9 with the updated meaning

I don't think it's a good solution but maybe it can spark a better one


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