On Fri, 22 Mar 2024, at 17:38, Claude Pache wrote:
>> Le 22 mars 2024 à 16:18, Rowan Tommins [IMSoP] <imsop....@rwec.co.uk> a 
>> écrit :
>> $optionalExpiryDateTime = $expiry as ?DateTimeInterface else 
>> some_other_function($expiry);
>> assert($optionalExpiryDateTime is ?DateTimeInterface); // cannot fail, 
>> already asserted by the "as"
> I think that the `is` operator is all we need; the `as` operator adds syntax 
> complexity for little gain. Compare:
> $optionalExpiryDateTime = $expiry as ?DateTimeInterface else 
> some_other_function($expiry);
> vs
> $optionalExpiryDateTime = $expiry is ?DateTimeInterface ? $expiry : 
> some_other_function($expiry);

I agree, it doesn't add much; and that's what the draft RFC Ilija linked to 
says as well.

But the point of that particular example is that after the "is" version, you 
don't actually know the type of $optionalExpiryDateTime without looking up the 
return type of some_other_function()

With the "as" version, you can see at a glance that after that line, 
$optionalExpiryDateTime is *guaranteed* to be DateTimeInterface or null, which 
I understood to be the intention of Robert's original proposal on this thread.

Rowan Tommins

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