On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 4:07 AM Barney Laurance <bar...@redmagic.org.uk>

> Hello,
> There are currently two proposals being discussed - *native decimal
> scalar type support* and *Support object type in BCMath*
> I've been getting involved in the discussion for the BCMath proposal, but
> not paying as much attention to the native decimal thread.
> But these seem like very similar things, so I'm wondering whether or not
> it makes sense to do both at once. They both seem like ways to represent
> and calculate with arbitrary precision decimal numbers.
> I'm not sure if they have distinct use cases. Are there some tasks where
> people would likely prefer one, and different tasks where they would prefer
> the other? Or should PHP internals choose just one of these options instead
> of potentially releasing both? It doesn't seem like a good idea to have two
> directly competing features for the same use case in one PHP release,
> unless there's a reason to favor each one in a different situation.
> Best wishes,
> Barney

The scalar arbitrary precision discussion is for an implementation that
would be in the range of 100x to 1000x faster than BCMath. No matter what
improvements are made to BCMath, there will still be strong arguments for
it, and until someone actually puts together an RFC, the BCMath library is
the only thing around.

Internals is just volunteers. The people working on BCMath are doing that
because they want to, the people working on scalar decimal stuff are doing
that because they want to, and there's no project planning to tell one
group to stop. That's not how internals works (to the extent it works).


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