Hi Valentin,

You don't need me to tell you how popular your PR is, since it's the single most emoji'd open PR by a wide margin, but this is something that has bugged me since the parser improvements in 5.4. I even remember asking Nikita if it was possible to not have to wrap `new Class` in parens to dereference it, and he said it was, but just didn't do it for whatever reason.

It's frustrating using a PHP REPL (e.g. Boris, PsySH) and wanting to write `new Class->foo()` only to have to backtrack and add the parens, because it's not natural (for me) to think in terms of the parens ahead of time. Even in the editor, it's the same experience; I often find myself backtracking to add the parens. Perhaps this seems like a small thing to some people, but for me this could be the sole reason to day-1 upgrade to 8.4.

But I have no voting privileges so I can only offer you my thanks. Thanks for this!


On 08/04/2024 07:08, Valentin Udaltsov wrote:

Hello internals,

I would like to propose a syntax change for PHP 8.4 that allows to immediately access instantiated objects without wrapping the expression into parentheses.

This was requested and discussed several times, see:

- https://externals.io/message/66197

- https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70549

- https://externals.io/message/101811

- https://externals.io/message/113953

Here's what you will be able to write after this change:


class MyClass


const CONSTANT = 'constant';

public static $staticProperty = 'staticProperty';

public static function staticMethod(): string { return 'staticMethod'; }

public $property = 'property';

public function method(): string { return 'method'; }

public function __invoke(): string { return '__invoke'; }



new MyClass()::CONSTANT,// string(8)"constant"

new MyClass()::$staticProperty, // string(14) "staticProperty"

new MyClass()::staticMethod(),// string(12) "staticMethod"

new MyClass()->property,// string(8)"property"

new MyClass()->method(),// string(6)"method"

new MyClass()(),// string(8)"__invoke"



For more details see the RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/new_without_parentheses

Implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/13029


Best regards, Valentin

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