Marco Deleu 

>> You may have core developers that voted no due to maintenance burden, but if 
>> said maintainer is no longer active and new maintainers don't mind it, it's 
>> a moot argument because people changed.
> The maintenance burden argument is actually a good example of *not* being 
> about individuals. The argument is not "I don't want to maintain it", it's 
> "we shouldn't burden future maintainers with this".

I don't agree that maintainers 10 years ago choosing to not "burden future 
maintainers with this" is more valid than current maintainers choosing 
otherwise. As I said, too much has changed and so has the weight of the burden 
(for better or worse).

> All I'm asking is that if we are going to revisit features we previously 
> rejected, we start with "here's why I think the arguments for and against 
> this feature have changed", rather than "I don't like the old result, I 
> demand a new vote".

You think a good place to start is to pinpoint what changed. I think that in 10 
years *everything* has changed. I wasn't giving a list of possible abstracts" 
for us to discuss each of them, I was pointing out how easy it is to come up 
with multiple reasons why a new vote might go a different direction.

I don't like the old result but I don't think there is any "demanding a new 
vote". There is simply new people interested in something that coincidentally 
happened to have had an interest a decade ago.

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